Sexo y humor | Charo Romero | TEDxAlbacete

Aunque en los tiempos que corren, no lo parezca…se puede hablar de cualquier cosa, incluido el sexo SIN OFENDER. El truco es ser claro, sincero, y ponerle mucho HUMOR a la vida. En esta charla Charo Romero nos habla de manera franca y directa, cómo se dice coloquialmente, “sin pelos en la lengua”. Para no herir a nadie, desde la realidad de una artista, actriz, comunicadora y monologuísta…Charo nos explica como vivir para comunicar con positividad, alegría, y un toque de picardía.
She takes pride in her origins, Povedilla. She spent her first years in Barcelona where she started as a communicator and her artistic career was launched. She wrote her own articles in newspapers, tales and plays when she was just a little girl. She continued her studies and her artistic education in Madrid. She is the founder of the Association of Young Artists from Castilla La Mancha (A.J.A.) where the training of future artists and the discovery of new talents are encouraged.
She is a well-known journalist in our city and she works in radio, television, advertising and cinema.
Charo is an advocate of social and gender equality and she extrapolates these ideas to her art provided by her works, monologues and performances. She is the first female representative of our highly acclaimed Manchego humour.
Although Charo’s professional experience is admirable, her greatest virtue is her commitment to all type of social projects. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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