Está todo abierto | Aldana Moriconi | TEDxCasilda

Aldana descubrió su talento desde muy chica. Y si bien la vida la golpeó varias veces, de adulta pudo conectarse nuevamente con esa esencia que la hacía talentosa.
En esta charla Aldana nos cuenta su único requisito antes de subirse a un escenario. Te invitamos a descubrirlo junto a ella! She studied piano since she was 4 years old at the “Bach” Music Conservatory. At 5 she wanted to be a singer, dancer and figure skater.

When she grew up, she studied singing at the UNR, and currently she works doing shows, the last one was a season in a play written and directed by Pepe Cibría.

Her hobby is skating, she did it for many years at the club and she also draws in her spare time, something she assures she runs in the family.

Passionate about music, and a fan of acting work, she prides herself on having humor at hand in every situation and being able to laugh at herself.

She feels a deep admiration for Astor Piazzolla, who could not meet him, but it was a gift of her life to meet Horacio Ferrer, author of her most famous works. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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